Putin: Finland and Sweden’s joining NATO is a “meaningless step”

Stockholm, March 13 (Hibya) – Russian President Vladimir Putin evaluated the participation of Finland and Sweden in NATO was a “meaningless step.”

Putin: Finland and Sweden’s joining NATO is a “meaningless step”
Yayınlama: 13.03.2024

Putin said in an interview with Russian news agency RIA and state television channel Rossiya 1 that Finland and Sweden's entry into NATO was a “meaningless step.”

“This is a completely meaningless step in terms of their national interests (Finland and Sweden). We did not have soldiers there on the border before, but now we are moving our soldiers there. We didn't have a weapon system there, but it will be there now,” he said.

The interview took place two days before the Russian presidential election, which Putin is expected to win. The election will be held between March 15-17.

In the interview, Putin also discussed other issues such as relations with the West, the war in Ukraine and nuclear weapons.

Putin warned the West that Russia was technically prepared for a nuclear war and threatened that if the United States sent troops to Ukraine, it would be seen as a clear escalation of the war.

Still, he said there was no urgent need for a scenario involving nuclear weapons and he saw no reason to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Regarding Ukraine, Putin said, “Russia is ready for negotiations on Ukraine, but these negotiations must reflect reality and not be based on “a desire that arises after the use of psychotropic drugs.”




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