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TurkStat: Türkiye was in the 18th rank in the world by population size

Istanbul, July 9 (Hibya)—With a population of 85 million 372 thousand 377 people, Turkey ranked 18th among 194 countries in terms of population size, accounting for 1.1 percent of the world’s total population.

TurkStat: Türkiye was in the 18th rank in the world by population size
Yayınlama: 09.07.2024

According to the United Nations population estimates released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), while India had the highest population in 2023, with 1 billion 428 million 627 thousand 663 people, China had the second highest, with 1 billion 425 million 671 thousand 352 people, the United States had the third highest, with 339 million 996 thousand 563 people. These three countries constituted 39.7 percent of the world's total population.
With a population of 85 million 372 thousand 377 people, Türkiye ranks 18th among 194 countries by population size, constituting 1.1% of the world's total population. This places Turkey in a significant position within the global demographic landscape, highlighting its role in the world's population dynamics.

TurkStat: Türkiye was in the 18th rank in the world by population size




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